Evidence from North America

Eskimo Harpoon counterweight

    This Eskimo harpoon counterweight is from the Old Bering Sea culture II, dated to 400-800 BC. The culture, like other Eskimo tribes, are known for making zoomoprhic (animal related) items out of nearly every item they created, such as knives with bear heads and many carvings of animals out of bone. This unique piece strongly resembles the head of a Pteranodon with a long beak, large eyes and a distinct head crest. It seems quite possible that this tribe had at least sightings, if not encoutners with these large flying reptiles near the sea.

Anasazi petroglyph of a long necked dinosaur.

This petroglyph done by the Anasazi Indians (150 B.C.-1200 A.D.) exists in Utah. The image is covered with a layer of patina and exhibits weathering that attests to it's age and authenticity. To date many anti-creationists have conceded that the image looks strikingly like a Sauropod dinosaur, although few have been swayed by the piece or any others due to their undieing faith in Evolution. It seems however that the Anasazi were acquainted with these animals long before Europeans began paleontology.

A book at the park visitors center has this to say about the petroglyph:

"There is a petroglyph in Natural Bridges National Monument that bears a startling resemblance to dinosaur, specifically a Brontosaurus, with a long tail and neck, small head and all." (Prehistoric Indians, Barnes and Pendleton, 1995, p.201)



This Anasazi prayer stick has raised more questions than any other artifact from Manitou Springs area of Colorado where it was excavated. The Anasazi people lived from A.D. 1200-A.D. 1300 in the Four Corners area of the southwestern United States. The artifact itself is roughly a foot long with a pointed head on top that has eyes on each side. The head that adorns the top of the stick is a perfect portrayal of the head of a Pteranodon with a long beak and head crest. To many this may seem impossible but to the Anasazi Indians these large flying reptiles were well known enough to portray in their artwork.


This is a Native American petroglyph by the Fremont Indians. It can be found in Montrose county, Colorado. There are clearly several people depicted along with at least one antelope. The large central piece however shows what has been identified as resembling a Triceratops dinosaur more than any other known animal. The animals 3 horns are clearly seen in the painting of the animal.

This petroglyph was found at Dinosaur Momument Park in Colorado. More information on this petroglyph is needed.

Indian carving of Parasaurolophus.

This rock painting was made by the Jornada Mogollon Indians which dates the painting to 1000-1400 A.D. This petroglyph very clearly depicts a Parasaurolophus with stripes like a Zebra. These Zebra-like stripes are now known to have been a feature of these types of Dinosaurs but was not discovered until this past decade.